Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Margit Fauser
Principal Investigator
Margit Fauser (Dr. phil. habil.) is a professor of migration at the Department of Social Work, Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. She holds a PhD in Sociology from Bielefeld University and was awarded the venia legendi (habilitation) in Sociology from that University in 2020. Her research focuses on migration, transnational connections, politics and urban space. Working around the concepts of citizenship, boundaries and borders she is interested in examining and theorizing processes of inclusion and exclusion, tied in with intersectional inequalities on the levels of subjects, organizations and policy.
Corinna Angela Di Stefano
Corinna Angela Di Stefano is a researcher in the project "Urban Border Spaces".
She holds a German Diploma degree in Latin-American Area Studies from the University of Cologne and a Master degree in Specialized Translation from the University of Córdoba and the Instituto Superior de Estudios Lingüísticos y Traducción, Spain.
Her main research interest concern migration, mobilities, borders and health. She is currently finalizing her PhD project on “Mobilities and EU-Borders in the Lesser Antilles”.
Elena Fattorelli
Elena Fattorelli is a researcher in the project “Urban Border Spaces”.
She holds a Double-Bachelor Degree in International Sociology from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the University of Studies of Trento (Italy) as well as a Master degree in Sociology and European Ethnology from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Her main research interests are in the field of migration and the Mediterranean border space.
Deborah Balts
Research Assistant
Deborah Balts has been a student of Social Work at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt since October 2017.
She holds a bachelor's degree of Evangelical Theology from Ev. Hochschule Tabor, Marburg (Germany).
Currently she is working on her bachelor thesis on elderly sexual and gender minority populations.