Workshops and Conferences
The listed conferences and workshops are either organized by the Urben Border Spaces project or involve the participation of one or more project team members presenting a topic closely related to the Urben Border Spaces project.
The following list concerns acitivities by Margit Fauser.
Invited Talk at the Lecture Series ‘EU-Migration in urban Social Spaces’
The city as border space. On the role of local actors in migration control (in German), organized by Research Group Migration and Social Policy at the Institute for Labour and Qualification (IAQ), University Duisburg-Essen, online, 06 May 2021,
Paper Presentation at the Workshop ‘NGOs/CSOs, migration management and border control`
Street-level agents in the urban border space between border struggle and border control, organized by Paolo Cuttitta and Antoine Pécoud, Université Paris 13, Online, 15 and 16 March 2021
Paper Presentation at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference
Borders made of paper, online, 7 -9 July 2021
Invited Talk at the think & drink colloquium @HU Berlin
The emergence of urban border space, Georg Simmel Centre for Metropolitan Studies and Department of Urban and Regional Sociology, HU Berlin, 25 November 2019
Keynote at the Students Congress 2019 Ruhr University Bochum ‚Grenzenlos leben!?‘
Vor der Grenze ist nach der Grenze. Territoriale und symbolische Grenzziehungen als Bausteine einer Soziologie der Grenze, 19 -22 September 2019 in Bochum
Paper Presentation at the 14th ESA Conference “Europe and beyond” in Manchester
Rescaling Borders in the City, Joint session RN35 and RN37 - Bordering and policing, Manchester, 20 – 23 August 2019
Paper presentation at the IMISCOE Annual Conference “Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century” in Malmö
The production of borders at the urban scale, 26 – 28 June 2019
Discussion with students at Ruhr University Bochum
Forschungsseminar „Sozialer Statuswandel in Migrationsbiographien - Biographische Analyse sozialer Positionierungsprozesse von Geflüchteten mit Gewalterfahrung und/oder prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus, organized by Christian Schramm, 09 May 2019
Discussion with students at the Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW
Forschungsseminar Ausländerbehörde, organized by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schilling, 08 March 2019, Minden
Paper presentation at the ESA RN 35 Midterm Conference “Belongings and Borders – Biographies, Mobilities, and the Politics of Migration”
Local border policies and practices, 24-25 January 2019, University of Strasbourg
Invited talk at the Viadrina Conference "B/Orders in Motion - Current challenges and future perspectives"
The city as border space, Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion, Frankfurt/Oder and Collegium Polonicum, Słubice, 15 -17 November 2018
Paper presentation at the 13th European Sociological Association Conference in Athens
Mechanisms of urban migration control, at the session organized by RN 37 Urban Sociology, 29 Aug. – 01 September 2017, Athens
Paper presentation at the Workshop ‘Migration and mobilities in an urbanising World’ at Utrecht University
Urban border spaces in Europe, organized by Utrecht University and The Transnational Mobility-Development Network, 16-17 June 2016
Paper presentation at IMISCOE Spring Conference “Measures of Control: Managing Migration in the 21st Century” in Copenhagen
Politics of control in migrant cities, 18-19 February 2016, IMISCOE & Centre for Advanced Migration Studies at Copenhagen University
Interdisciplinary Workshop between History and Sociology, Bielefeld University
In 2016 we – Margit Fauser, Anne Friedrichs and Levke Harders – held an interdisciplinary workshop on “Migrations and Borders: Practices and Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century” at Bielefeld University.
See a report on the workshop by Christian Ulbricht at HSozKult.
After the workshop the authors revised their draft papers for a joint publication. Their contributions appear in our Special Issue with the Journal of Borderlands Studies.